HEART Moments


Sunday, March 16, 2014


Psalm 139:23-24 MSG

INVESTIGATE MY LIFE, O God, find out EVERYTHING ABOUT ME; CROSS-EXAMINE AND TEST ME, GET a CLEAR PICTURE of what I’m about; SEE for yourself whether I'VE DONE anything wrong— then GUIDE ME on the road TO Eternal LIFE. 

Colossians 3:12 AMP
CLOTHE YOURSELVES, as God’s own CHOSEN ones (His Own Picked Representatives), [who are] PURIFIED AND HOLY AND WELL-BELOVED [by God Himself, by PUTTING ON behavior marked by] TENDERHEARTED pity and mercy, KIND feeling, a LOWLY OPINION of yourselves, GENTLE ways, [AND] PATIENCE [which is TIRELESS AND LONG-suffering, AND has the POWER TO ENDURE whatever comes, with GOOD temper]. 

How often do you EVALUATE your actions? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly? Never?

EVALUATING what YOU ARE DOING that NO LONGER FITS who YOU are IN CHRIST can bring NEW LIFE to your circumstances. You can't CONTINUE to DO the things you USED to do, and EXPECT God NOT to DEAL with YOU on it...HE LOVES YOU TOO MUCH! Just because you've ALWAYS done something...DOES NOT mean it is GOOD for YOU!

Sit, Pray, Declare, Meditate on and LISTEN to what God has to say about...

- How you are TREATING your children/family/others

- That MAN/WOMAN you are dating ...
- The CONTROL you LIKE to have...
- Those PURCHASES you are making...
- The MUSIC you are LISTENING to...
- The CONVERSATIONS you are having...
- The PEOPLE you are hanging around...
- The FOODS you are eating...

...that has to MOVE OUT of YOUR LIFE in order for you to get where GOD PLANS for YOU to GO. You just need to SEARCH the Scriptures on the TOPICS that came to mind as you read this post...THEN LET the Holy Spirit LEAD YOU to what is on the HEART of God and where YOU stand in comparison to His Word to You and THEN OBEY what you HEAR!


ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
Erica Campbell – A Little More Jesus

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