Empowering, encouraging, and supporting single moms to overcome the challenges of life.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
John 1: 1-18 (MSG) THE LIFE-LIGHT
"1-2 THE WORD was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. THE WORD WAS GOD, in READINESS FOR GOD from day one.
3-5 EVERYTHING was CREATED THROUGH HIM; NOTHING—not one thing!—CAME INTO BEING WITHOUT HIM. What came into existence was LIFE, and the LIFE WAS LIGHT to LIVE by.The LIFE-LIGHT blazed out of the darkness; the darkness COULDN'T put it out.
6-8 There once was a man, his name JOHN, SENT BY GOD to point out the way to the Life-Light. He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. John was not himself the Light; he was there to show the way to the Light.
9-13 The Life-Light was the real thing: Every person entering Life HE brings into Light. HE WAS IN THE WORLD, the world was there THROUGH HIM, and yet the World DIDN'T even notice.He came to HIS own people, but they DIDN'T WANT HIM.
But WHOEVER DID want him, WHO BELIEVED He was who He Claimed and would DO what HE SAID, He made to be their TRUE SELVES, their CHILD OF GOD selves.These are the GOD BEGOTTEN, NOT blood-begotten, NOT flesh-begotten, NOT sex-begotten.
14 THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND BLOOD, AND MOVED into the neighborhood. We saw the GLORY WITH OUR OWN EYES, the ONE-OF-A-KIND GLORY, like Father, like Son, GENEROUS inside and out, TRUE from start to finish.
15 John pointed HIM out and called, “THIS IS THE ONE! The One I told you was coming after me but in fact was ahead of me. HE has always been ahead of me, has always had the FIRST WORD.”
16-18 WE ALL LIVE OFF OF HIS GENEROUS BOUNTY, gift after gift after gift. We got the basics from Moses,and then this EXUBERANT GIVING AND RECEIVING,This ENDLESS KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING—
No one has ever seen God, not so much as a glimpse. This ONE-OF-A-KIND God-Expression, WHO EXISTS AT the very HEART of the Father, has made HIM PLAIN as day."
Our LIFE CHANGES for the BETTER (inwardly first) as we BELIEVE in what HE SAYS! We've done it all BEFORE...WITHOUT Him...and can SEE what a MESS of things we have made on our own.
Just like FUMBLING AROUND in the dark TRYING to find something...we can't SEE what we are SEEKING too clearly. Oh but when we TURN the LIGHT ON we can SEE the MESS we've made along away when we didn't KNOW what was HIDDEN in the dark. But we are also are ABLE to SEE where we are GOING and FIND what we are SEEKING much FASTER!
You know like...
That MAN you KNOW you SHOULDN'T have gotten involved with just because he paid you some attention that you hadn't felt in awhile.
That credit card/loan that you AGREED TO even though you KNOW you said you were TRYING to get out of debt.
That job you thought would bring in MORE MONEY but is KEEPING you from spending MORE TIME with your family and getting to church.
That decision you made WITHOUT given one thought to ASKING GOD about it because YOU WANTED what YOU wanted at that moment.
Those people you've been spending TOO MUCH TIME with who are helping to LEAD you further from God than TO HIM.
No More MOVING in the dark for YOU, YOUR FAMILY, or YOUR COMMUNITY...TURN on the LIGHT! LET THE WORD ILLUMINE your path...for what you need to KNOW for YOUR JOURNEY! It all STARTS with HIM anyway...The LIGHT...The LIFE...THE WORD!
~ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
Friday, May 2, 2014
Hebrews 11:5-7 (MSG)
5-6 By AN ACT OF FAITH, Enoch SKIPped DEATH completely. “They looked all over and COULDN'T find him because God had taken him.” We know on the basis of reliable testimony that before he was taken “he pleased God.” IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD APART FROM FAITH. And why? Because ANYONE WHO WANTS to APPROACH GOD MUST BELIEVE both that HE EXISTS AND that HE CARES enough TO RESPOND to THOSE WHO SEEK Him.
7 BY FAITH, Noah built a ship in the middle of dry land. He was warned about something he COULDN'T SEE, AND ACTED ON WHAT he WAS TOLD. The RESULT? HIS FAMILY WAS SAVED. His ACT OF FAITH DREW A sharp LINE BETWEEN the EVIL of the UNBELIEVING world and the RIGHTNESS OF the BELIEVING world. As a RESULT, Noah became INTIMATE WITH GOD.
in GOD & in WHAT HE SAYS...your ACTIONS will SHOW IT! Are you SAYING that
you have FAITH but your ACTIONS SHOW OTHERWISE? Let's SEE!
Here are a few examples...
Here are a few examples...
- You SAY you are BELIEVING God for your future HUSBAND but you step OUTSIDE Of HIS GUIDELINES by FORNICATING (having SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE) with the person you are dating.
- You SAY God is LORD over your life, but you CONTINUE to hang on to that idol/thing HE has CONVICTED you to GIVE UP all because you BELIEVE it is TOO HARD for YOU.
- You SAY you TRUST GOD but won't GIVE TITHE (10% of your income) and OFFERINGS to your local church because you are LOOKING at what the Pastor is driving versus BELIEVING that God will HONOR your commitment to Him OVER what things LOOK LIKE.
- You SAY you are going to be a "Woman of INTEGRITY" but as soon as your boss ISN'T watching you are DOING something you know you would NOT be doing if you were in their VIEWING range.
FAITH is a MOVING BEYOND what we may PHYSICALLY SEE...and BELIEVING what GOD SAYS by ACTING, DECLARING and MOVING towards what HE SEES! It can be scary and OUTSIDE of our COMFORT ZONE but it will MOVE the results you are LOOKING for towards you.
Now, Are you WILLING to have enough FAITH in HIM (not in yourself) to DO IT His Way or not??? Go ahead and ACT UPON your FAITH to SEE what comes of it...surely you know He has nothing but the BEST for HIS BELOVED Daughter!
~ ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Psalm 139:23-24 MSG
INVESTIGATE MY LIFE, O God, find out EVERYTHING ABOUT ME; CROSS-EXAMINE AND TEST ME, GET a CLEAR PICTURE of what I’m about; SEE for yourself whether I'VE DONE anything wrong— then GUIDE ME on the road TO Eternal LIFE.
Colossians 3:12 AMP
CLOTHE YOURSELVES, as God’s own CHOSEN ones (His Own Picked Representatives), [who are] PURIFIED AND HOLY AND WELL-BELOVED [by God Himself, by PUTTING ON behavior marked by] TENDERHEARTED pity and mercy, KIND feeling, a LOWLY OPINION of yourselves, GENTLE ways, [AND] PATIENCE [which is TIRELESS AND LONG-suffering, AND has the POWER TO ENDURE whatever comes, with GOOD temper].
How often do you EVALUATE your actions? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly? Never?
EVALUATING what YOU ARE DOING that NO LONGER FITS who YOU are IN CHRIST can bring NEW LIFE to your circumstances. You can't CONTINUE to DO the things you USED to do, and EXPECT God NOT to DEAL with YOU on it...HE LOVES YOU TOO MUCH! Just because you've ALWAYS done something...DOES NOT mean it is GOOD for YOU!
Sit, Pray, Declare, Meditate on and LISTEN to what God has to say about...
- How you are TREATING your children/family/others
- That MAN/WOMAN you are dating ...
- The CONTROL you LIKE to have...
- Those PURCHASES you are making...
- The MUSIC you are LISTENING to...
- The CONVERSATIONS you are having...
- The PEOPLE you are hanging around...
- The FOODS you are eating...
...that has to MOVE OUT of YOUR LIFE in order for you to get where GOD PLANS for YOU to GO. You just need to SEARCH the Scriptures on the TOPICS that came to mind as you read this post...THEN LET the Holy Spirit LEAD YOU to what is on the HEART of God and where YOU stand in comparison to His Word to You and THEN OBEY what you HEAR!
ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
Erica Campbell – A Little More Jesus
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Luke 17:19
And He said to him, Get up and go on your way. YOUR FAITH (your trust and confidence that spring from your belief in God) HAS RESTORED you to health.
And He said to him, Get up and go on your way. YOUR FAITH (your trust and confidence that spring from your belief in God) HAS RESTORED you to health.
Mark 5:34
And He said to her, Daughter, YOUR FAITH (your trust and confidence in Me, springing from faith in God) has restored you to health. Go in (into) peace and BE continually HEALED AND FREED from your [distressing bodily] disease.
If you have noticed, I haven't been on the Single Moms Move Mountains Facebook page as often as I used to be. My duties have changed and in HONORING my commitment to the work that I've been given, I must FOLLOW the LAW of the land, during my WORK HOURS, and NOT be on Facebook. I've been on ASSIGNMENT for the last couple of months getting to know FIRST HAND about the Chronic HEALTH issues that are plaguing our communities. I'm WORKING to help EDUCATE and EMPOWER our communities to RISE to a BETTER way of doing things towards their HEALTH.
I've noticed a few things during this time that I hope will bring some ENLIGHTENMENT for many to MOVE towards better HEALTH in your lives...
- Many patients CHOOSE NOT to change...even though their HEALTH is telling them differently.
- Many patients BELIEVE that the doctor and their medications will SAVE them...over BELIEVING what the GREAT DOCTOR has to say about their HEALTH.
- Many want the PERKS of a GOOD HEALTHY LIFE but refuse to put in the WORK that is required to have it.
- Many know they have CHRONIC HEALTH issues and WILL NOT do themselves a favor and keep up with at least their routine doctor appointments.
I pray if you have CHRONIC HEALTH issues, that this is NOT your current state of thinking/acting. However, if you fall under any of these observations, recognize TODAY you can MAKE a NEW CHOICE and do something different...so that you CAN HAVE DIFFERENT results than you've been having in the past. Sickness and Infirmity is NOT God's Will for our lives but if we make CHOICES that OPEN the door to these plagues in our lives, we have an ALL-POWERFUL God to help us get back on track by helping us DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY.
I believe PROBLEMS/ISSUES ARISE in our lives so that we TOO will RISE to the place where we will get WISDOM on the situation to then OVERCOME it with God's Help. I LOVE YOU too much not to TRY to ENLIGHTEN you to MOVE towards the BEAUTIFUL Life God intends for you to have. But it will REQUIRE you to DO the practical WORK along with the FAITH WORK to get there. I'm just HOPING and PRAYING you LOVE yourself enough to MOVE TOWARD BETTER...and CHANGE your HEALTH for the better!
- ALH, Always Loving Him/HerDonald Lawrence – Healed
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Deuteronomy 30:19
"I call Heaven and earth to witness this day against YOU that I have SET BEFORE YOU LIFE and death, the BLESSINGS and the curses; therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that YOU and YOUR DESCENDANTS may LIVE."
I've been eating a salad with EVERYTHING (Daniel Fast approved of course) in it for my lunch and dinner for the past 7 days, and I must say I feel MORE energized than I did the first few days of the fast. So I'm vowing to RECOMMIT to this type of eating THROUGHOUT the year. One day during the fast, I was remembering how I used to "feel" when I use to eat like this REGULARLY along with EXERCISING REGULARLY. God whispered to me..."LIVING FOODS bring LIFE...LIVE!!!"
God tells us to eat the things of the earth, LIVING foods (Genesis 1:29-30) like we are limiting ourselves to doing for this 21 Day Fast (see details here... . However, we often eat/drink foods that bring "death" to our mind, body and spirit because they are made out of "dead" things. Over-processed, over-cooked, man-made/artificial flavors, refined, and heavily laden sugary foods are just that...DEATH to YOU!! They were NOT made for the bodies God gave us...and we see the results of that CHOICE in the illnesses and diseases that are plaguing many...mind, body and spirit. We must become GOOD STEWARDS of the housing that God has Given us so we can FINISH the course GOD DESIRES for us to complete on this earth!
I pray you DON'T LET what is popular or the world's way of doing things "rob' you of the LIFE God intends for you to have. Because, these "death" type of items are being WELCOMED by your own CHOOSING...into your HOLY TEMPLE that houses the HOLY SPIRIT. Would you offer "DEAD"CRAP food/gifts to someone you HONOR???
Let's continue this path together of dedicating our bodies, mind and spirit to the THINGS that HONOR and not "grieve" God. He DESERVES the BEST and so do YOU! - ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
God tells us to eat the things of the earth, LIVING foods (Genesis 1:29-30) like we are limiting ourselves to doing for this 21 Day Fast (see details here... . However, we often eat/drink foods that bring "death" to our mind, body and spirit because they are made out of "dead" things. Over-processed, over-cooked, man-made/artificial flavors, refined, and heavily laden sugary foods are just that...DEATH to YOU!! They were NOT made for the bodies God gave us...and we see the results of that CHOICE in the illnesses and diseases that are plaguing many...mind, body and spirit. We must become GOOD STEWARDS of the housing that God has Given us so we can FINISH the course GOD DESIRES for us to complete on this earth!
I pray you DON'T LET what is popular or the world's way of doing things "rob' you of the LIFE God intends for you to have. Because, these "death" type of items are being WELCOMED by your own CHOOSING...into your HOLY TEMPLE that houses the HOLY SPIRIT. Would you offer "DEAD"CRAP food/gifts to someone you HONOR???
Let's continue this path together of dedicating our bodies, mind and spirit to the THINGS that HONOR and not "grieve" God. He DESERVES the BEST and so do YOU! - ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
Eating God's Way,
Good Steward,
Loving You,
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Genesis 1:26 (AMP)
"God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth."
"God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth."
John 10:10 (AMP)
"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and ENJOY life, and have it in ABUNDANCE (to the full, till it overflows)"
"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and ENJOY life, and have it in ABUNDANCE (to the full, till it overflows)"
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (MSG)
"The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t
fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and
never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but
they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our
POWERFUL God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers
erected against the TRUTH OF GOD, fitting every loose thought and emotion and
impulse into the structure of LIFE shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at
hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of
obedience into maturity."I don't know about you but I'm SICK and TIRED of the enemy reigning in so many areas of this earth and in our lives...even though God has GIVEN CHRISTIANS (Christ's Disciples/Followers of Christ) ALL AUTHORITY, POWER, and DOMINION over his wiles, devices and schemes. (Genesis 1:26) But, how many of us are POWERED up in the SPIRIT to do any REAL damage?
A lot of us, as Christians, spend more time, OPENING the door to the enemy like he is a TRUSTED FRIEND than we do OPENING the DOOR to God. It always amazes me, how the enemy tends to get INVITED to dinner while God is usually WAITING outside the door even though He’s been KNOCKING and ASKING to be INVITED a lot longer. We already KNOW FULL well, the enemy is NOT an EASY guest to get rid of once you ALLOW him in, but we CONTINUE to LET him in willingly. We must remember he's KNOWN for...STEALING belongings...KILLING any sprouts of FAITH with fear...and DESTROYING anything in which he gains access.
So ask yourself...Have you OPENED the door to any of his fake friends that initially LOOKED/SEEMED like a JOY and a BLESSING, but now is more like a leech that is DRAINING the LIFE out of you???
Let’s LOOK at some of his subtle DISGUISES...
- those LOVE SONGS that keep you REMINISCING about that old fling that you know is NO LONGER the Will of God for you...but you KEEP ENTERTAINING the old thoughts as you listen to that type of music and then wonder why you can't seem to MOVE on from the loss.
- that food/drink that you KNOW is causing a SLOW DEATH to your HEALTH, HOME, FINANCES, and YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO GOD every time you decide to GIVE in to those FLESHLY cravings. You've decided, with every LUSTFUL digestion, that you LOVE the IMMEDIATE & TEMPORARY FEELING of it MORE than the LIFE GIVING, LONG-TERM RESULTS it will bring, if you STARVE it out.
- that friend/family member that is keeping you from a CLOSER RELATIONSHIP with God because you have allowed them to have MORE CONTROL over you and your time than you have ALLOWED God to have.
- that negative conversation that gets stirred up every time you see or hear of that person you can’t seem to forgive even though you know God says you must. Every time you open your mouth to speak about that person, every bit of venom and bitterness is spewing out of your mouth into your ears and giving energy to that unforgiving spirit over and over again. Instead you should pray a WORD of FAITH for them and over you that will help REPLACE your thinking and feelings with each GOOD and audible WORD seed that is being planted towards forgiveness.
Often a thing can LOOK and FEEL good for us initially but over time, we find that it has a HOLD on us that keeps us from being CLOSER to GOD and His Will for our lives. Take some time NOW and evaluate what enemy has been INVITED into your life that NOW needs an EVICTION notice. Recognize like a bad tenant, he won't go WILLINGLY but YOU HAVE THE POWER to REIGN over him and his serpents, scorpions, and every other evil imagination and HIGH thing that EXALTS itself ABOVE the knowledge of JESUS Christ!
I Love You and God Loves You Best,
ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
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