Judges 16:15
Then she said to him, "How can you say, 'I love you' when your HEART is not with me? You have mocked me these three times, and have not told me where your great STRENGTH lies."
Solomon 2:5,7,10
2 Sustain me with cakes of raisins, Refresh me with apples, for I am lovesick
7 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, Do NOT stir up nor awaken LOVE Until it pleases
10 My BELOVED spoke, and said to me: "RISE UP, my love, my fair one, And come away."
If you've ever been hurt in a relationship that you gave your all and only to find out, you were the only one really IN the relationship, this is for you! I feel there are many who are hurting from a love that has failed with a man or another that you trusted to fill a void that no person can ever fill. I wrote this poem through one of those such times and I'd like to share it with you to ENCOURAGE you back to LOVE!
Be Blessed...there is more for you!
A Love Like No Other - ALH, Always Loving Him/Her
I Trusted Him...I thought he cared...My heart and soul I truly bared.
I lost myself...thought love was there...but yet still he did not care.
I was honest, I was true...although I gave my all...I still ended up blue.
I didn't understand...What did I do? Was I not enough...for him too?
See it started waaay back when...
when those who were supposed to love me...blew me off again...
Another job, another thing...no affirming did it ever bring.
For they were only doing what they knew...'cause you see it was done to them too!
I needed love....needed confirmation...
starving for hugs...just some validation.
Yet it never came...it least not how I thought it should.
But somehow God worked it out...as only He could.
He needed that void to be created...
so that when I met Him...it couldn't be underrated.
Yes He Loved me too much to let me be too dependent...
on someone that would never bring about His Holy Descendant.
Now, I see it was all meant to be...I was chosen...
to endure the pain...all for a much greater gain...
To help set other captives free...those who would endure later…
yes, after me.
Now my mess is my message, my pain is my purpose...
How great is my understanding…now that I know this.
My test is now my testimony...my agony now my anointing…
No need for any blame…or needless finger pointing
'Cause God's Love has been beyond measure...
It surely has been my Life's Greatest Treasure!
He's the One that I could never trade, for all that has ever been made.
See, My Joy is full...My cup runs over...no need for any outside lover.
He truly is the Lover of my soul...the only One meant for that empty hole.
And now I can say I am truly FREE...'Cause no one else could LOVE me any better than He!