Mark 11:26
"But if YOU do not FORGIVE, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your failings and shortcomings."
"I KNOW I'm SUPPOSED to FORGIVE, but..." Have you ever started thinking or SAYING this when YET ANOTHER thing reminds you of the HURT you encountered??? Yeah you know all the cliches about FORGIVENESS, like... "Forgiveness is not for the other person its for heal and MOVE on." "Unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping the other dies from it." "Holding a grudge (unforgiveness) is LETTING someone LIVE RENT-FREE in your head."
The reason why MOST do not FORGIVE is that they have not come to a NEW REVELATION of what the hurt encounter was meant to TEACH them! We LOVE to POINT the finger at another when we are HURT but the TRUTH is...people show us parts of ourselves we aren't WILLING to look at without the hurt. Let me give you some examples...
1) That guy you were so intrigued about that you LET into your life and HEART because He made you FEEL whatever way, but you often SAW him DECEIVING others but because he hadn't done it to you YET, you CHOSE to IGNORE the signs over what made you FEEL good.
2) OR maybe it was that girlfriend who told your personal business to someone else but the whole time that you knew her all you two every did was TALK about other people behind their back...but NOW all of sudden she's wrong for doing what you've been doing together the whole time!
3) OR maybe you have had a conversation with a SIBLING or FAMILY member over and over again about something you would like them NOT to do. You have come to the conclusion that they just DON'T CARE about YOUR FEELINGS since they keep doing it. However, HOW many times have you done the same thing OVER and OVER again that YOU KNOW is not PLEASING to God but He GIVES you ONE more chance when you ask for Forgiveness???
The BEAUTY of "hurts" in our lives is that they WAKE us up to the SLEEPWALKING that we sometimes do because we are not IN-TUNED to something in OUR CHARACTER that God wants us to SEE! He would NOT be a LOVING Father if He continued to let you WALK like darkness when you are a Child of LIGHT. Hurts SERVE the PURPOSE of GROWING us up to help us SEE a NEW PERSPECTIVE we never would have seen without it.
So take some time RIGHT NOW and take up YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to FORGIVE and PRAY for that person who gave you the WAKE call...They we're actually GOOD to and for YOU...from God's Perspective...and it will FREE YOU too!
ALH, Always Loving Him/Her'
"But if YOU do not FORGIVE, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your failings and shortcomings."
"I KNOW I'm SUPPOSED to FORGIVE, but..." Have you ever started thinking or SAYING this when YET ANOTHER thing reminds you of the HURT you encountered??? Yeah you know all the cliches about FORGIVENESS, like... "Forgiveness is not for the other person its for heal and MOVE on." "Unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping the other dies from it." "Holding a grudge (unforgiveness) is LETTING someone LIVE RENT-FREE in your head."
The reason why MOST do not FORGIVE is that they have not come to a NEW REVELATION of what the hurt encounter was meant to TEACH them! We LOVE to POINT the finger at another when we are HURT but the TRUTH is...people show us parts of ourselves we aren't WILLING to look at without the hurt. Let me give you some examples...
1) That guy you were so intrigued about that you LET into your life and HEART because He made you FEEL whatever way, but you often SAW him DECEIVING others but because he hadn't done it to you YET, you CHOSE to IGNORE the signs over what made you FEEL good.
2) OR maybe it was that girlfriend who told your personal business to someone else but the whole time that you knew her all you two every did was TALK about other people behind their back...but NOW all of sudden she's wrong for doing what you've been doing together the whole time!
3) OR maybe you have had a conversation with a SIBLING or FAMILY member over and over again about something you would like them NOT to do. You have come to the conclusion that they just DON'T CARE about YOUR FEELINGS since they keep doing it. However, HOW many times have you done the same thing OVER and OVER again that YOU KNOW is not PLEASING to God but He GIVES you ONE more chance when you ask for Forgiveness???
The BEAUTY of "hurts" in our lives is that they WAKE us up to the SLEEPWALKING that we sometimes do because we are not IN-TUNED to something in OUR CHARACTER that God wants us to SEE! He would NOT be a LOVING Father if He continued to let you WALK like darkness when you are a Child of LIGHT. Hurts SERVE the PURPOSE of GROWING us up to help us SEE a NEW PERSPECTIVE we never would have seen without it.
So take some time RIGHT NOW and take up YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to FORGIVE and PRAY for that person who gave you the WAKE call...They we're actually GOOD to and for YOU...from God's Perspective...and it will FREE YOU too!
ALH, Always Loving Him/Her'