"I have not gone back from the commandment of
His lips; I have esteemed and treasured the words of His mouth more than
my necessary food." (Job 23:12)
I recently read a statement in a life changing read about
Spiritual Discernment, by Roberts Liardon..."The love of God is
unconditional, but His blessings aren't!" When I read it RANG SO TRUE in
my spirit that I began to realize why SO MANYCHRISTIANS are living beneath God's INTENDED Life...We AREN'T AWARE of the conditions toRECEIVE
BLESSINGS or we AREN'T FOLLOWING them. Either way we are LIVING with
the MOUNTAIN defeating us instead of us MOVING the MOUNTAIN with the
tools God has given us....HIS WORD!!! So many are TURNED OFF by the WORD of God...(BIG
TRICK of the enemy by the way)...to KEEP YOU FROM the BLESSINGS of
God...and the bad thing about it is...CHRISTIANS are FALLING for it
too!!! We have what we need to be VICTORIOUS in this life, we just
AREN'T UTILIZING it for what it was made to do...MOVE MOUNTAINS in our
lives and the lives of others by the FAITH that ONLY COMES BY WAY OF THE
WORD OF GOD!!! So I ask you...How MUCH WORD are you getting into
your life??? A measly Sunday meal at church is not going to sustain you
throughout the week...when YOU ARE STARVING!!! All day long, we are
BOMBARDED with all the negative forces around us from the people, music,
TV, videos, and whatever else we are ALLOWING into our space to ROB us
from a life that is VICTORIOUSLY BLESSED according to God's
Standards...all because we AREN'T PUTTING IN THE TIME that is needed to
COUNTERACT all of the negative forces surrounding us. So let me ask you a question, HOW MUCH SPIRITUAL
FOOD are you FEEDING yourself each day??? Think about it, the ALL
HIM!!! So, why wouldn't you want to FEED on Him??? It's AMAZING to me
how we can put so many things before our time with God that can not GIVE
us the same Blessings that He can give us...Nothing but PRIDE! Pride
that we know better than Him, Pride that we can do it ourselves, Pride
that we don't need Him to get everything done...Just plain FOOLISHNESS
that the enemy has tricked us into believing and ACTING on this sin. So what are you going to do about it??? I would
recommend and CHALLENGE you put in AT LEAST the same amount of time you
put into eating your physical food...for most that's 3x's A
DAY...Morning, Afternoon, and Night! Here are the steps I recommend that
I have noticed work well for me... 1) You may want to
set a dedicated space within your home for your time with the Lord!
(This can help in keeping the area holy and sacred for the Lord). 2) You may want to turn on some Praise & Worship Music to awaken the Spirit within you. 3)
Be sure to PRAY before you begin your time with reading THE WORD and
ask the Spirit to REVEAL to you what He wants you to know during your
time together and watch how the WORD will POP OFF the page and prick and
speak to your HEART about you and your life situation. 4) You must ALSO be willing to COMMIT TO LISTENING to what is REVEALED to you during this time. 5)
Journal your thoughts during your time of LISTENING so that you will
have a WRITTEN PLAN of what God has to say to you and what He wants to
DO through you. 6) Next, be sure to PRAY for His assistance to do His plan 7) Lastly, get to MOVING Obediently toward God's plan by measurable steps of
FAITH (Speaking, Hearing, and BELIEVING the Word of God to you) with
action. God will surely BLESS the work of your hands because you have a
heart that is diligently seeking Him and willing to do His Plan. Please don't
MISS your moments to be EMPOWERED by God...what better way is there to
be EMPOWERED than from the ALL POWERFUL One who is WILLING to GIVE His
Gracious Power to YOU if we ask! Stay in the BLESSINGS Beautiful Ones!
"But the Fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His Presence within
accomplishes] is Love, Joy (Gladness), Peace, Patience (an even temper,
forbearance), Kindness, Goodness (Benevolence), Faithfulness, Gentleness
(meekness, humility), Self-control (self-restraint, continence).
Against such things there is NO law [that can bring a charge]." -
Galatians 5:22-23 AMP
How much FRUIT is SHOWING up in your life??? When God's Presence has overtaken you...there will be EVIDENCE of His Presence in your life. His Presence is LIGHT that can NOT be hidden. Quite often we think that FRUIT will IMMEDIATELY SHOW-UP in our lives because we have spent a few Sunday mornings with Jesus and His people, read our devotions each morning, and gave our tithes like we are supposed to do. But it takes MORE THAN that to DEVELOP FRUIT. It TRULY is a DEVELOPMENT of making the choices towards the things of God...and it's usually NOT COMFORTABLE!
We all have developed certain ungodly habits that took time to be apart of our lives, even though they were readily accepted because of their desirable influences. No one had to twist your are to retaliate towards that person that did you wrong or to talk about them to further slander their downfalls. But how COMFORTABLE is it to accept someone in your home and be LOVING, PATIENT, and hospitable to them when they are difficult, disrespectful and ungrateful to you and your efforts?
God will often PROVE HIS FRUIT in us through those TOUGH & UNCOMFORTABLE times in our lives because without His Presence helping us to do it...we certainly could not do them alone. So the next time you are waiting in that line that somehow seemed to slow down as soon as you got in line...REMEMBER God is DEVELOPING His Fruit in you when you do not complain or get upset about the delay...the Fruit of PATIENCE will be SHOWING up through you! Or when you have that person who is constantly testing your FAITH with their seemingly unkind, hurtful and insensitive actions...REMEMBER God is helping you to DEVELOP the Fruit of Kindness through your actions towards them. God is always looking for ways to SHOW UP through you and the FRUIT He has DEVELOPED in you! Now how about go on and SHOW some FRUIT to those around you...to give God some Glory!
"For we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or appearance. For we WALK by FAITH not by sight." - 2 Corinthians 5:7
"You have already been cleansed by the WORD that I have
spoken to you. 4 Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch
cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can
you unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Those
who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me
you can do nothing." - (John 15:3-5).
It's easier to SAY you have FAITH than it is to WALK it out. You have to be COMMITTED to it! Like...When you say you will FOLLOW GOD and His ways... Are you WILLING to stop working on your day of Sabbath as HONOR to Him and not your paycheck? Will you decide to LET GO of the things/people that keep you from having a growing relationship with Him and spending more time with Him? Will you WALK out on the WATER where it's not as safe as you are used to having it, to be OBEDIENT to what HE wants you to do? There is a reason the model prayer that Jesus gave us states... "Thy KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE" (Matthew 6)...most are really not WILLING to COME as God is ASKING us to do...because we WANT OUR WILL to be done more than His. The spirit of control is one of the biggest barriers between our relationship with God. Most won't FULLY relinquish control to our Sovereign God who is in control ANYWAY. Even when you choose not to let go, he will just have to TEACH you LONGER to get you where He needs you to be...and that's a much HARDER ROAD than just surrendering. It has been my experience that God OFTEN will impress upon my heart to do what I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO DO initially to see if I'll be OBEDIENT to His requests regardless. But afterwards as I MOVE towards His request my feelings and desire for it changes...He gives me little reminders along the journey to let me know I took the right step and that HIS WORD is TRUE over everything that may not be LOOKING like where I'm going. Then SUDDENLY, the BLESSING will SHOW up as I am busy about His Will. God wants to us to know if we can be TRUSTED with what HE wants to give us. Checking our CHARACTER through our efforts...but are you WILLING to get outside of your COMFORT ZONE to get it??? MOST aren't WILLING because there is a SACRIFICE, A COST that comes with STEPPING out on FAITH...we must LEAVE what we KNOW and JUST GO where our HEARTS are leading us...And the funny thing is it NEVER LOOKS like it will work by our HUMAN KNOWLEDGE or Logic!
FAITH COMES as we MOVE toward what GOD has said and by what WE BELIEVE He has said. The MORE we STAY covered by Hearing His Word over what everyone else is saying, what everything is LOOKING like...the more we have the FAITH to do what we may not be comfortable with doing initially. One thing we can be assured of is the PROMISES of God...They are always. "Yes and Amen!"